GEOC Newsletter: Fall 2023

Message from the Chair

Dear colleagues and GEOC Division members,

The Division of Geochemistry (GEOC) has had a great first half
of 2023. We have made tremendous progress toward expanding
the impact of our meeting programing, increasing our
collaboration with other ACS divisions, and building a more
inclusive culture for geoscience. The Spring and Fall 2023
geochemistry program hybrid sessions were well attended. The
highlight of the Spring 2023 meeting was the sessions held in
honor of 2023 ACS Geochemistry Division Medal winner Dr. Vicki Grassian, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California San Diego. Additionally, we provided support for numerous Student and Early Career Scientist Travel Awards. We have continued our collaboration with the journal ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, which recently released a virtual special issue in honor of our 2021 ACS Geochemistry Division Medal winner Dr. Michael F. Hochella, Jr. for his enormous contributions to the geochemistry community.

Meeting Programming

The division is currently ramping up its activities in preparation for the Spring 2024 meeting in New Orleans, LA. The Spring meeting will be hybrid with both in-person and virtual attendance options. Check out the Call for Symposia.

Travel Awards

The division is continuing our support of students and early career scientist by providing travel awards. Take a moment to review the Call for Award nominations.

Division Chair
Eric Pierce

ACS Fall 2023

Meeting Recap

Thanks to all of you who chaired symposium, presented papers, attended sessions and participated in our Social and Business meeting! We filled all of our available sessions with five outstanding symposium including:

Reactivity at the Mineral-Water Interface: Validation through Modeling and Experiments at the Pore Scale

Organizers: Si Chen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sergi Molins, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,

Vitalii Starchenko, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Advancements in the Characterization and Modeling of Interfacial Phenomena

Driving Environmental Processes

Organizers: Matthew Landsman, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Gregory Su, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,

Promoting Diversity in Geochemistry: Bridging People and Science to Communities

Organizer: Stetson Rowles, Georgia Southern University, Lynn Katz, The University of Texas,

Emerging Topics: Permafrost Geochemistry, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Geochemistry

Organizer: Emily Bristol, The University of Texas, Jacob Harvey, Sandia National Laboratories,

General Geochemistry

Organizer: Lynn Katz, The University of Texas,

ACS Spring 2024

GEOC Programming

The spring 2024 ACS National Meeting, “Many Flavors of Chemistry”, will be held from March 17-21 in New Orleans, LA. The meeting will include hybrid and virtual sessions.

General meeting information can be found at .

Abstract submissions closed on October 2, 2023. Session descriptions are available here: . Please come out and support the following GEOC symposia:

Please come out and support the following GEOC symposia:

Fundamental and Applied Geochemistry of Critical Minerals ; Organizers: Sebastien Kerisit and Yuanzhi Tang
Geochemical, Environmental and Sociotechnical Implications of Mining Organizers: Scott Fendorf and Lynn Katz
Geochemistry for CO2 Capture, Conversion, and Long-Term Storage Organizers: Laura Dalton, Erika Plante, Juliane Weber and Ke Yuan
Intermediate And Disordered Phases in Natural Systems Organizers: Jeffrey Catalano, Sebastian Mergelsberg, and Hsiu Wen Wang
Microbially-Driven Geochemical Reactions: Kinetics and Communities Organizers: William Burgos, Clara Chan, William Leavitt and Jennifer Macalady
Fundamental Understanding of the Structure and Reactivity at Mineral-Water Interfaces Organizers: Sang Soo Lee, Shawn Reichers, and Jacquelyn Bracco
Some Like it Hot: A Symposium in Honor of Michael L. Machesky Organizers: Nadine Kabengi, James Kubicki and Moira Ridley
Recognizing Diversity in Geochemistry: Bridging People and Science to Communities Organizers: Stetson Rowles and Lynn Katz
Undergraduate Research in Geochemistry Organizer: Jacquelyn Bracco
General Geochemistry Organizer: Lynn Katz

We are also co-sponsoring several symposia including:

Aquatic Photochemistry (with ENVR)
Biogeochemistry of Organic Matter in Marine Environments (with ENVR)
Environmental Behavior of Atmospherically Transported Chemicals (with ENVR)
Rare Earth Element: Occurrences, Extraction Method Development, and Application (with ENVR)
Liquid And Electrolyte Anomalies in Nano-Confinement: Structure, Dynamics, and Reactivity (with PHYS)
F-Element Reactivity at Interfaces (with NUCL)
Aquatic Redox Chemistry (with ENVR, co-sponsorship pending ACS approval)
Organizers: Christopher Gorski, Paul Tratnyek, Kevin Rosso, and Jasquelin Pena

For detailed session descriptions and organizer contact information see the call for abstracts:

Travel Award Application

Application Procedures
Submitting your regular abstract to the ACS Meeting Abstract Programming System (MAPS before the abstract due date (October 2, 2023). Submit a separate, extended abstract to the GEOC Program Chair, Lynn Katz, at: . Extended abstracts should not exceed one page (use at least 11-pt font, single-line spacing, and 1-inch margins) and may contain tables and figures (counted toward the page limit). Be sure to include:

  1. your name, affiliation, abstract title, and abstract number

  2. indicate whether you are an undergraduate/graduate student (for the Student Travel Award) or your PhD degree date/year (for the Early Career Scientist Travel Award).

Extended abstracts must be received by October 9, 2023.


Abstracts will be judged based on the impact on the field of geochemistry, technical approach, quality and clarity of writing, relevance of the abstract to the symposia and national meeting themes, and balance among different symposia. Award winners will be announced by the end of January, 2024.


General information about the conference can be found at:

Questions about the awards should be directed to .

Election Information

ACS Geochemistry Division is currently seeking nominations for two officer positions, Program-Chair Elect and Secretary, who will assume their roles in January 2024. A brief description of each role is provided below.

The polls will open Nov. 1 and will close Nov. 15th at midnight (Pacific time). Please access the ballot via this link:

Your username is your ACS ID # (no preceding zeros—must be a current division member). Your password (case sensitive) is: vote2021

The system will ask you to enter your Username and Password (listed above). Online voting should take you less than 10 minutes. Note the online ballot can be accessed from any smartphone or device that has full browser capabilities. Please contact Jacky Bracco ( if you require any assistance

Program Chair Elect Candidates

Program-Chair Elect (4-year term)

This officer will serve as Program-Chair Elect in the first year, shadow the Program Chair, and assist the Division Chair with the direction and management of the Division. In the second year, the candidate will serve as Program Chair and organize the symposium at the fall and spring national meetings. In the third year, the candidate will serve as Division Chair, and finally as Immediate Past Division Chair in the fourth year.

Secretary (3-year term)

This officer is responsible for supporting a broad range of Division’s activities. These duties include to keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of the Division and of the Executive Committee, to maintain a list of members and affiliates, to send to members and affiliates such notices as the business of the Division may require, to submit a report to the Division at its annual meeting, and to carry out the duties required by the Constitution and Bylaws of the SOCIETY and elsewhere in these bylaws.

Self-nominations and consensual nominations of colleagues are encouraged! Per GEOC Bylaws, all nominations must be accompanied by at least 10 signatures of support from current ACS GEOC Members (including current Division Committee members).

All nominees must have been a Member of the Division for at least one year at the time of nomination. Nomination and the signatures of support must be submitted by October 20. Please submit the nomination or any questions to:

Jacquelyn Bracco
ACS Geochemistry Division Secretary


GEOC Call for Abstracts: Spring 2024 Meeting


Applications Open: Spring 2024 Travel Awards